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Med Spa Blog | Bellevue, WA

Explore posts from the team at Hair Oh Yeah in Bellevue, WA

Shining a light on Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) - how it makes your hair grow

Our Team03/23/2024

The market is flooded with LLLT devices but do they really work? We use LLLT in our clinic and we have done the research, here are the findings...


Weight loss drugs triggering hair loss

Our Team01/24/2024

A drastic reduction in weight doesn't need to equal drastic loss of hair. It's evident that many drugs have the side effect of hair loss, does yours?


Mirror, mirror on the wall, how do I grow hair this Fall?

Our Team08/06/2023

What makes hair grow- let's talk about how hair grows and how to get healthier, denser hair


It's all about the hair...

Our Team06/19/2023

It's not just the skin, the hair, the firmness, it’s the glow that we want.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.